Published May 11, 2023
VIDEO: Tour Michigan State's new state-of-the-art football building
Ryan O'Bleness  â€¢  Spartans Illustrated
Managing Editor

Construction is well underway of the addition and renovation of Michigan State's new state-of-the-art, 65,000-square-foot Tom Izzo Football Building.

On Thursday, the official Michigan State Twitter account shared a preview of the "hard hat walk-through" tour, guided by director of player relations and program advancement Darien Harris and redshirt senior wide receiver Tre Mosley.

MSU also shared the full video, which is just under four minutes long, on YouTube (linked at the end of this article).

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The video starts with Harris and Mosley walking into the space and showing off where a "20-foot tall angled-board" will be placed, as well as multiple trophy cases to house Michigan State's six national championship trophies, and a rendering of what that will actually look like once finished.

Next, Harris tours the "gear lab," which includes a screen with all of Michigan State's different uniform combinations to choose from. Harris noted this screen will also have a QR code feature available for phones that allows those who use it to take a screenshot of their favorite uniform combo to take with them. Mosley noted his favorite uniform option is the green helmets, white jerseys and green pants look.

Then, Harris highlighted the "electrified glass" technology. This will give student-athletes and prospective student-athletes an opportunity to stand in front of the glass and see what they would actually look like in a Spartan uniform.

"So the glass is gonna light up, illuminate," Harris said. "It's going to be like 'Iron Man.' So you're gonna be able to have an opportunity to actually, virtually suit up and really visualize yourself as a Michigan State Spartan, as a Spartan Dawg."

Mosley and Harris then head to the locker room. The space will provide 126 total lockers, with 120 available for current football players, and six lockers reserved for former Spartans who return to campus during the offseason and need to use them at any given time. The locker room also includes comfortable seating for each player, fans, a brand new recovery pool and much more.

The tour then moves to the sports science "recovery area." This space includes 5,000 square feet for warm-ups, which then leads to a turf-covered ramp that takes you up to the brand new, 16,000-square-foot weight room.

When counting both the upstairs and downstairs workout areas, Harris mentions the renovated facility provides over 20,000 square feet of space full of equipment for student-athletes to build their bodies and maintain their wellness.

The final clip in the video moves on to the players' lounge, which include multiple televisions, tables and chairs to eat and drink, couches and games such as table tennis, foosball, mini-basketball hoops and more.

"The players' lounge is where we come to just kick back," Mosley said. "We might talk about some stuff other than football, just clear your mind."

The entirety of the video can be watched below.

Full video: 

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